TEXT TO: 718 755 9035 This is a Preparatory Class for PALS Provider Course. It is intended for students who can not pass PALS Precourse Self Assessment Test. This Class Cover the followings: 1. Heart Anatomy 2. Basic Electrophysiology 3. ECG Interpretations 4. Basic Arrhythmias 5. Basic PALS Drugs and their usage. 6. Routes of Administration of drugs during Cardiovascular Emergencies 7. PALS Algorithms amd more...
Upon Completion of this Class, students will not receive AHA Certification. This Course prepares Students to PASS PALS PreCourse Self Assessment Test
TO REGISTER: TEXT Us at: 718 755 9035 or Email Us at: [email protected] to choose DATE and TIME for your Class. COST of This Class is: $155. Payment for this Class is accepted IN PERSON upon arrival to your Class. Student must buy a book: "ECG Notes", 4th Edition. The Cost of a book in not included into the Total Cost of this Course. TEXT us at: 718 755 9035 to register for this class. We are open every day.