TEXT TO: 718 755 9035 This American Heart Association Course is for Healthcare Occupations who have BLS Provider Manual (2020 Edition) and Previous Valid AHA BLS Provider Certificate. Bring them both to your Class. This Course covers Adults, Child, Infant BLS. It teaches how to act when you are the only rescuer, when there are two rescuers, and when you work in a Team. In addition, it covers how to act in case of Responsive and Unresponsive Choking Adult, Child and Infant. Manikins, Bag Masks, Real Time Devices, AED and etc.will be available to practice and master your Skills. This Class is In Person only. Payment for your Class is processed upon arrival to your Class. Cost of BLS Provider (RENEWAL) Class is: $75 TO REGISTER: TEXT US at: 718 755 9035 or Email us at: howtocprny@gmail.com to Choose DATE and TIME for your Class. TEXT us at: 718 755 9035 to register for this Class. We are open every day.